Beyond Booking Form Redirect for NightsBridge plugin for WordPress available now

Beyond Booking Form Redirect for NightsBridge plugin for WordPress

Introducing Beyond Booking Form Redirect for NightsBridge Plugin for WordPress!

Elevate your booking process with seamless redirection of check-in, check-out forms, and promotional code entries directly to NightsBridge. Enhance user experience by enabling real-time availability checks through your NightsBridge account, ensuring a streamlined and efficient booking journey.

Administrator Features

Empower administrators with robust management tools:

  • Settings Page: Customize platform settings to suit your needs.
  • Shortcodes Page: utilize handy shortcodes for enhanced functionality and flexibility.
Administrator Settings

Customize your platform with precision:

  • Nightsbridge BBID: Set your NightsBridge BBID to seamlessly connect your NightsBridge account.
  • Theme Customization: Personalize the booking form button colors for a cohesive and branded user experience.
User-Friendly Frontend Experience

Deliver a seamless experience to users:

  • Booking Form: Display the booking form with intuitive start and end date inputs, along with a promotional code option that redirects to NightsBridge for instant availability checks. Opens NightsBridge in a new window for uninterrupted browsing.
Easy Setup

Simplify plugin setup with an intuitive activation process.

Beyond Booking Form Redirect for NightsBridge Plugin for WordPress is your ultimate solution for optimizing booking processes and enhancing user satisfaction.

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